Job Description
Minister of Music
Bethany UMC holds a strong geographic and historic position in a cross-roads community outside of Jefferson, Georgia. It stands ready to welcome newcomers in this growing community through traditional United Methodist worship and discipleship. Music ministry can be a bridge uniting the heritage of this church to the possibilities of witness and ministry for the Gospel of Christ.
This person will…
…maintain a spirit of cooperation with the Senior Pastor, staff, and church leadership.
…lead music in Sunday morning worship service(s) and occasional services expected in the Church year.
…provide piano, voice, and/or instrumental music for prelude, postlude, communion music, congregational song, offertory, choir pieces, solos, and specials.
…direct the choir, organize special pieces or performances, and include the children in church music (as appropriate to the season).
- Have a growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord
- Have a growing understanding of God’s Word and be able to express it in the planning and leading of worship
- Demonstrate a love of music and the ability to co-lead, with the Pastor, the choir, and congregation in a variety of music and worship styles
- Have a willingness to explore varying styles of worship.
- Encourage use of United Methodist hymnody
- Some knowledge of audio/visual technology
Duties: To be actively and regularly present and prepared …
- In the weekly Sunday morning worship services, as well as warm-up for worship –
Sundays 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- With a choir that practices and performs weekly
- For weekly rehearsal as needed and scheduled
- For special cantatas, concerts, worship services, 5th Sunday Sings, etc., as scheduled
- Supporting and improving online worship presence
Hire is subject to Safe Sanctuary Background Check and three reference checks. Annual performance evaluation is usually performed in summer. Accountable to Pastor and the Bethany UMC Board.
This is a Sunday position, requiring consistent preparation and presence. One (1) Sunday per quarter may be used for vacation or sick leave, with the exception of Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday,
Homecoming (usually the second Sunday in August), and the two Sundays prior to Christmas.
Absence for vacation must be approved by the Pastor, and a plan for leadership with substitutes
must be in place.
Excessive sick leave or tardiness shall be subject to reduction of pay at the discretion of the
Staff-Parish Relations Committee. Long periods of church closure (such as for the COVID pandemic) may result in temporary suspension of pay, if church income is compromised.
Please send your resume to We are located at 4659 Brockton Road in Jefferson, GA 30549